Celebration of 103rd Birth Anniversary of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and National Children’s Day- 2023

Bangladesh High Commission, Ottawa, Canada celebrated the 103rd Birth Anniversary of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the National Children’s Day on 17th March 2023 with a festivity and great enthusiasm.
The celebration of the day was divided into two parts, i.e., one was in the morning and the other one was in the afternoon. The programme started by hoisting the national flag at 10.00 am at Bangladesh House. H.E., the High Commissioner hoisted the National Flag when all the officers and officials of the High Commission were present. The National Anthem was played as the background music during the flag hoisting. A special prayer was offered for the eternal salvation of Bangabandhu, his family members and all the martyrs of the liberation war of Bangladesh in 1971.
The second part of the program began at 04.30 pm at the premise of the Bangladesh High Commission, Ottawa by placing floral wreath on the portrait of Bangabandhu. H.E., the High Commissioner along with the invited guests and officials placed the floral wreath on the portrait. After that, the messages of the Honorable President, Hon’ble Prime Minister, Hon’ble Foreign Minister, and Hon’ble State Minister for Foreign Affairs were read out. Two children spoke at the event. H.E., the High Commissioner Dr. Khalilur Rahman, in his speech, humbly remembered the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and all the martyrs. He said that Bangladesh became independent under the leadership of Bangabandhu. Appreciating the speeches of the two children, H.E., the High Commissioner requested all parents to inspire their children to participate in this kind of programmes.
Citing the recent violence activities against Ahmedia Community (Kadiani) by miscreants in Bangladesh, H.E., the High Commissioner informed that stern action has been taken against those involved. Under the leadership of Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Bangladesh will be a developed country by 2041 and all the conspiracies by some quarter against the country will be futile, he added. He again informed that Ministers, MPs, and the high officials of the Canadian Government
Dated: 17th March 2023

were intimated about the stern action taken by the Bangladesh Government against the miscreants. After this speech, H.E., the High Commissioner announced the name of the winners who participated in the painting and essay-writing competition. A small cultural programme was staged by the children. Afterwards, special gift was given to all the children. At the end of the ceremony, H.E., the High Commissioner cut the cake along with the children and the guests.
Some still photographs of this celebration are also attached herewith.

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