Padma Bank Limited officially inaugurated its Ghagor Bazar Sub-Branch at Kotalipara in Goplganj on Wednesday, 11th October.
Mr. Ahammad Hossin Chowdhury, renowned local dignitary and business personality officially inaugurated the sub-branch as chief guest.
Dr. Mohammed Emtiaz Uddin, DMD & Chief Business Officer of the bank presided over the program. He said, “Our aim is to bring banking services to the doorsteps of marginalized people. Customers will get all modern banking services from this branch.
Md. Sabbir Ahmad, Head of Gopalganj Branch of the bank delivered welcome speech while Tanbir Chowdhury, In-charge of the Sub-Branch thanked the audience for their presence.
Matiar Rahman Hazra, Mayor, Kotalipara Municipality,Aminuzzaman Khan Milon, Chairman Pinjuri Union Parishad, Sultan Mahmud Chowdhury Chairman Kushala Union Parishad,
Rafeza Begum, Chairman Amtali Union Parishad, Mazharul Alam Panna, Chairman Hiran Union Parishad and Yusuf Ali Daria, President Ghaghar Bazar Banik Simiti spoke as special guests.
Syed Towhid Hossain, COO & CAMLCO & Senior officials of different departments of the bank, businesspersons, professionals and social elites were also present on the occasion.
All types of banking services, including opening of bank accounts, cash deposits and withdrawals, cheque book and pay order issue, clearing cheque and pay order deposits, deposit and loan facilities, real-time online banking facilities and utility bill deposits, are available in the sub-branch.
Address: Haji Taib Ali Dariya Super Market Holding No-150, Ward No-09, Kotalipara, Municipality Kotalipara, Gopalganj.